Books by Barbara Beam


She Talks To Fish

Embark on an unforgettable journey with SHE TALKS TO FISH – a novel that offers a rich tapestry of experiences for every reader. This riveting story highlights the serenity of nature, the importance of family, exhilarating adventures, and a connection that grows into an enduring love. Prepare to be captivated, inspired, and empowered as you are immersed in a world unlike anything you have ever experienced before.

Maya Jones, a young, Black woman from the mountains of North Carolina, is introduced to fly fishing through her mentor, Ed Myers. This introduction and subsequent passion for fly fishing offers an intriguing and imaginative story of respect, acceptance, loyalty, and courage. As Ed mentors young Maya on her coming-of-age journey, her struggles are met with brazen resilience as she defies stereotypes, bigotry, nature, and even death with immeasurable perseverance.

You Get Summers Off

In order to be considered a successful teacher, you must be a mother, a father, a nurse, a counselor, a comedian, an actress, a police officer, a time management expert, a spin artist, a copy machine repair person, a librarian, a coach, a drill sergeant, and, last but not least, an educator. Teachers must answer to their principals, school board members, parents, and students. Barbara Beam deftly portrays the hilarious world that exists for today's teachers as they attempt to juggle all these roles.

coming soon

Teach Your Kids Like They're Weimaraners

COMING SOON: Teach Your Kids Like They’re Weimaraners

Are you having a hard time controlling your students or children?  This is the book for you! All you have to do is teach them as though they are Weimaraners. This coffee table book includes  twenty valuable tips, hilarious anecdotes, and the sweetest Weimaraner photos you’ve ever seen.

She Talks To Fish Reviews

what people say

I am sooooo in love with this book. The imagery is captivating! Maya's daddy reminds me of BOTH my granddaddies. Hester and Beam created one character with both of their personalities... and I'm pretty sure they don't know my grandfathers! For that reason, the story just seems truly genuine - warm and inviting! Maya is a beautiful example of who we can each become with a little tenacity, a great support system, solid roots, and ambitious wings. Whether you like fishing or not, a good story is a good story.

TC watts - Children's Book Author

about She Talks To Fish

I thought upon first hearing that this is a book about a girl who has conversations with fish might be childish. I was wrong. This is a spiritually charged book for people of all ages. We've all experienced being an outsider in our lives regardless of what path we lead, but with the help of her father, Maya finds out that fitting in is not the most important part of life. The dialogue is enjoyable to read and quite realistic. You don't have to like fishing or share Maya's background to enjoy this book. 

Michael Lavery - Ravenous Reader, English Teacher

About She talks to fish

I am an older African American female, and I had the pleasure of reading one of the earliest versions of She Talks To Fish and I must say I was impressed. I enjoyed the novel and had a hard time putting it down once I got started. Maya and her family's authentic voice took me back to my own childhood. A a public high school employee, I can safely say that students will enjoy it as much as I did. I recommend this book for people of all ages!

Pamela Jenkins

About She Talks To Fish